Bus Routes & Schedules
Our bus routes change frequently and we are not always able to keep our schedules current. Please contact the Transportation department to verify your route and schedule.
2019-2020 bus routes are being updated. For route information, call the transportation department at (209) 838-3165.
Foggy Day Notice
Radio stations KAT 103.3 FM and KBYN/KNTO-FM 95.9 (English/Spanish), broadcast updates on foggy day school bus schedules every morning. Escalon transportation also maintains an information line that provides daily updates during the foggy season. You can access this information at (209) 838-3165.
If the listed radio stations report that the Escalon school buses are running late, PLEASE do not send your children to their bus stop at the regular time. For example, if the radio announces Escalon buses will be one hour late, send your children to their bus stop one hour later than the regularly scheduled time.
There are some school bus stops within the district where the driver may not be able to stop even at a later pickup time if the visibility remains limited. Some examples are stops requiring the students to cross the road to enter the bus, stops requiring the bus to turn around in the roadway and where the driver cannot get completely off the road when stopping to pick up the students. Under these conditions the bus stop may be cancelled for the morning route and parents would need to transport their children to school.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but student safety is our main concern. Please do not hesitate to contact the transportation department at (209) 838-3165 with any concerns or questions you may have regarding this matter.